A Visual Collective exhibition
Some images from recent exhibition in WASPS studio. 3rd year Ba (Hons) ‘Visual Communication and Design’ and ‘Art and Contemporary Practices’ put together strong body of work.

Some images from recent exhibition in WASPS studio. 3rd year Ba (Hons) ‘Visual Communication and Design’ and ‘Art and Contemporary Practices’ put together strong body of work.
Glance into the making of this piece..
2nd final work for exhibition- ”Despicable”. This piece was very time consuming and took a lot of planning and very precisely timed execution of some stages. It was therefore most exiting. In a way it kind of symbolizes and shows within it how I this year broke down a lot from what I knew and rebuilt myself. Rediscovering and taking steps back to find the real way foreword.
These picture are just some of the process of creation. It was tricky and messy at the times. Many things had to be redone, adjusted and it required a lot of adaptation to get to the finish line.
Work on Mosaic piece.
In order to create a mosaic. First comes design and preparation of its location. Once materials are gathered, tiles need to be broken down and there are many ways to do that. From been sawn, cut, broken with hammer to letting gravity do its work. As long as You keep it safe, nothing else mater too much as all imperfections can be filed away. You just need to think about how much time you have.
For Slackbuie project we have 2x2m stencil where we will assemble most broken tiles on first for the image fine details as that would be more difficult to be done on site. Than they will be moved to site and glued accordingly like a large puzzle. Finishing with the grout and make surface weather proof and anti slip it will look great.
Short tile breaking test video